Phantom Music by Musicinthewind

I was vacationing at a nature resort in New Hampshire, surrounded by forests and a lake, with my family (including aunts, uncles, and cousins). Our large family basically booked one wing of the 2nd floor. I shared a room with my sister which was at the end of the hallway. We quickly unpacked and then left to do activities and at night, we came back to sleep.

Early morning, I woke up because there was this music coming from above the room. It sounded like Hawaiian music with a female singing from the early to mid-1900s. It wasn't loud enough to hear actual words, but loud enough to wake me up. It was also static sounding cause of crackles as if it was from an old radio or record player. The 2nd floor was the highest, so I assumed there was an attic or something upstairs and a worker was playing the music while working. I put my swim plugs in my ears and went back to sleep.

After breakfast, I asked the receptionist and she told me there was no attic or any space above the room, just a roof. I then assumed it must've been someone outside playing the music and went out to go biking and kayaking.

The next morning, I awoke and heard the music again - the same exact tune and woke my sister up. She heard it too. We left our room and opened an exit door that was between our room and the room across us and we stood at the top of the stairs to the parking lot. We didn't see ANYBODY around. We went back to our room and I asked her if she was as sure as I was that it was coming from above. She was sure.

Since it was above us and loud enough to wake a light sleeper up, the rooms adjacent must've been able to slightly hear it too. We went to our cousin's rooms adjacent and across and there was no music to be heard at all in their rooms. The walls were quite thin; you could hear muffled conversations through the walls, so the ceiling must be thin too. There was no music heard in their rooms. We then all went into our room and heard the music!

There is no explanation why old-fashioned music could be only heard in our room and why it starts early morning and disappears before we wake up. I am convinced it was paranormal. Freaked out, my sister and I packed up and slept in our cousin's room next to us the rest of the vacation where there was no creepy music!